Thursday, October 18, 2007

I Think I Can, I Know I Can!!!

So today was Huge for us, we finished our year. Will be taking a bit of a break to prepare for our Special loved one whom should be returning on the 26th(whooohooo). Well when the kids sometimes fell discourage,unwilling, sad because of all the things we have gone through in the past 3 months. I would tell them the story of the little train- I think most of you know it. But he was smaller than all the others and he was trying to reach the top of the hill and he kept telling himself I think I can, repeating until he reached the top. Well of course if you know me( personally) you know I had to put my own little twist- it was not I think I can that he said in my story but I Know Can. You see I realize that however hard my life seems at anytime- I have amazing friends that deal or have dealt with far worse in their lives and I will always know they may have a second, minute,hour,day,week,even months that they will feel at wits end and don't know what to do with those feelings. " One way to face those challenges is to take God along the journey. When you feel like you can't go on, call on God. When you fail and stumble, call on God. When you succeed, call on God and celebrate. God is here to be your co-pilot,to help you navigate through life, so just let go and let God." So when I feel things stacking up, the above saying. Too all my loved ones,close friends I hope you know I think of you often and wrote this with you in mind.

Sunday, October 14, 2007


A week ago we were watching a show called "Kid Nation" and it was about religion/ faith.
It was so touching I felt tears pouring down, okay probably because I am a female- so all that emotional stuff too. But these 30-40 kids are all from different backgrounds,race, religion, just so diverse. They were told to have a church service, Some of the kids did not want to have a service with other faiths, why you ask? Because that is what they were brought up to believe/think by whom -their parents:Gosh what a job we as Mom's and Dad's have. Towards the end of the show one (1) child about 12 yrs. old gathered everyone together and they stood around a fire and each said their own type of prayer. I was also very surprised because then their reward came which was a choice of (mini golf or religious items) Most of them picked the religious items. Whoo-Hoo...
One Boy touched my heart because he said " Wars have started and still go on over religion." Bravo to him..
This Is how Big our faith is and how deep it goes. Some say church(okay) I say church( YES,YES). I guess as I got older, and now know so many people depend on me- I have my faith to teach them and to celebrate with them. I applause the parents of many of the kids on Kid Nation.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Sometimes I think to myself how life is a circle. Well today is one month since my great grandmother has passed. I feel I can write about this because I know she is now healthier and happier. I bet some people would say "how?" I again can say because her life has come full circle and she is with her loved ones that she had to say goodbye too. Just as we have said the same to her. I believe she can look down on us and hopefully be at peace knowing we think of her often but our lives go on, Just as she did when she lost her loved ones.
Today I felt mixed feelings, without even yet understanding the fullness of this. But my children told me this" Gosh, I am so glad Ama Is up in heaven looking out for My Daddy and My whole Family, because I know everything is right." mind you they are 8 & 11 years old. Also my 4 year old & 2 year old prayed at dinner for Ama as well. I think that God helps you in any and every little and big way you just have to be able to hear it, or see it, even feel it.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


We have been busy,busy doing this and that, and going here and there.
We have visited loved ones, and lost loved ones, and been counting down days until one loved one shall return.
I think I can tell you that God blesses your life in so many ways. I now know with all my heart that God knows what you, yourself can handle. He does not promise that bad things will not happen or that you will not endure great hardships, but he promise to be there to help you through all those trying times. My life is so full with God showing us the ways to go and giving us all the strength to be better.

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks