Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year.

Happy New Year.
Hope you and yours have a great start to the new year.
Be safe and Remember what this life is about.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

First running day

Since the 13 th of this month I have been unable to run, due to health issues.
Being that yesterday was the 26 th and my official first day back.
I took it easy and ran  17 minutes, not bad for having 13 days off.
I felt wonderful, I missed it.
I wanted to run  more, but thought I would take it easy.
I actually felt better when I came back from my run, almost cured.
So I have decided unless a doctor tells me that I can not run, and then even 
when that happens I may still break the rules, and Run.
My running buddies are usually my ipod, hat,glasses,watch.
Of course the norm (shorts,shirt,socks,shoes) I am a New Balance girl.
I wish you all a day with good running weather.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

I'll Give you the Moon.

I like movies.
I have actually never seen It's a Wonderful Life until 
last night.  I have to say I have been missing one of the 
best Christmas Movies ever.  I wish I could share the whole 
movie with you here, but I picked.
One scene, for you to watch.

Merry Christmas to All of you.  Have a safe Holiday.
Maybe we could all pray for our service men  and women who are far away
from us. 

Monday, December 22, 2008

Triple Dog Dare You

Right now we are watching The Christmas Story, classic movie.. 
I triple dog dare you? anyone.. Love this movie..
Better yet the kid brother that can't put his arms down, and can't get up.  
I could go on and on about all the great scenes in this movie.
How about the fragile, The lamp in the front window for 
everyone to see.
You'll shot your eye out kid.  

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Day You

One day I came across you, I was taken by your smiles.
You made me feel like I was special again, like I mattered.
One day I stood in front of you as a woman, who wanted more.
You took me for a dance, from one end of the floor to the other.
One day I saw you filled  with love for me .
 You have shown the days and nights too me.
One day I became part of you.
You became part of me.
One day I went for a walk without you.
You turned and saw me walking, and ran after me.
One day you brought me back.
You realized our love is timeless.
One day you grew more than I.
You towered above me, yet you waited  for me.
One day I opened my memories to you.
You flowed with sadness.
One day I looked at you as a Man, Father,Best Friend,Soul mate.
You are the air I breathe, the blood that flows in me,you are my everything.
One day you got mad.
You left me sitting alone, wondering if you would turn to me.
One day you sat here, no longer.
You will return, I have faith, I am patient.
One day.......

Original work of  VC

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kids and Colds

First off,
 if you have more than one child you know about this. 
How when one child gets sick, it makes its rounds. 
No, they don't all get it at once, it is one by one. 
Then when it has gone through all the children, it hits 
you, the Mommy .
So now you are sick and the children are all better and you have to keep your distance.
I laugh at that because you still  have to do your job.
But at this moment I am in the need rest mode or else I will 
get worse.  So I think they should invent a isolation room for your family 
members when they get sick. As much as I want to hug them, I want all
of us to be better.  You can still see you family member and eat with them but you don't breathe the same air they do..  But I do get to benefit from being sick sometimes, I get to crawl in bed early and sleep in and nap time.  Oh and why do colds always find us in the winter, it is freezing.. Oh well we are a bit under the weather. 

Monday, December 15, 2008

Manic Monday

Messy Manic Monday's
Most times when you get one of these days, where you are shuffling
from one thing to another. You left your home before lunch and did 
not get back until after dinner.  This is one of those days where you
 ask yourself " did that just happen? or where did the whole day go?"
 Normally I would be sad, or frustrated not this day. We were as 
together as we could be (without Our Guy) and we were as safe as
we could be without being inside all day.  I watched my children act and just have fun,
 this year we are in two Christmas plays.  The usual one every year for our
church, and a new one with our homeschooling group.   The Homeschool play is much more
in depth, but very interesting.  The other play is with all of the children this year, I am 
excited to see all of them in this play( all four have lines). Oh did I mention that Our Guy 
will be here everyday, every night so he will get to share things with us again.  Yes.. three days left weather providing.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

When you have two.

Strange how all great stories have two main characters.
My Guy and I were meant to be.  Five days or so before he is ours again.
I know why you need two:  
Someone to give you that hand for picking you up.
Someone to help you .
Someone to hold your hand in a enduring way.
Someone to give you goosebumps.
Someone to smile at you ever so sweet.
Someone to stare at you and vice versa.
Someone to watch your kids do weird stuff.
Someone to call your Soulmate.
Yes, He is it for Me and I for him.
Someone to share life with.
Someone to have a date with.
Someone to remind you that you are different, but the same.
Yes, He is it for Me and I for him.

original work of VC

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yesterday, we had our Tamale making party, which turned into women getting around and chatting. The mass of children going off with each other, ages ranging from 18 months to 12 years old. Total 12 children and only 4 adults. You  do the math??  But It was a  great party, without actually making the tamales, but we did have some I made and then a mexican feast, the kind which fills you up until you say Nap Time anyone!!  My family and I will soon be leaving this place that I can say I am  better  at everything for having met the families who were here for this special day.  It was also the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which we had a very nice and interesting women come and speak to us about the picture of our lady of Guadalupe.  She gave us some much information, I am still amazed.    I remember making tamales with my Grandma's, one is in Heaven the other is in a nursing home and can no longer take care of herself. So yesterday was  beautiful to be able to have these women and their families share this holiday tradition. We are truly blessed to have met each of of these women and their wonderful families.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Coffee is my friend, my partner in crime, the pick me up in my day.
Coffee is a legal way for me to become happy, awake,alert.
Coffee starts my day, gives me comfort in a world of little people following me around and asking me what I am doing, or if they can do something.
I truly Thank the makers of coffee, for making something that would give me all these feelings just by drinking it.  
 I do enjoy the occasional coffee out in a store
( starbucks,green bean, ect..) even though they are overpriced.  They don't taste better than the coffee from my good old coffee machine at home.  The only time it taste better is when it is an expresso(double,triple). But by far nothing compares to the joy of the coffee I get at home sitting around watching my children.  Oh and on the off chance I should happen to be blessed to have My Guy here, the coffee is even better.        

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

silly dogs

Our family has two dogs now, one a big 60 pound (Rhodesian ridgeback mix) and the new one a little 10+pound (miniature dachshund ).  I tell you they are busy and stinky and just funny to watch.  I think it silly to watch them play because the little one starts it off, and the big one kind of just rolls with it.  In a way of just amusement of the little dog.  I sometimes think it reminds me of the above video.  These dogs will sleep like nobody's business.  One thing about the little one is he really forgets how small he is. 

Saturday, December 06, 2008


This is my addiction, the thing I feel complete when I have done it.
Yes, Running  is my chocolate craving.  I feel better when I have ran, most times I find myself on the treadmill, every once in awhile I get outside.
Outside runs, push me harder, and I get lost in the beautiful colors of the trees and the sky.
Inside runs,push me faster,and I get lost in the  T.V. and forget. 
Running is my anchor, I stay afloat because it helps me maintain some sense of balance, stability, clarity, and best of all patience.  
I know with running on my side, I can do anything.
It helps me stay healthy , fit, stronger,relaxed,driven, in control.
You see in my world things sometimes feel like a whirlwind of hectic jobs,errands,taking care of everything ,and everyone.  
This is for me, all mine..  
Okay I share it but not the miles not the work, and the reward is great but I make note of the strength it took to get to the end.  With running I think there is never an end just pit stops, I welcome as many of these as my body,mind, and family will let me..

 Running is a forever thing for me.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Christmas Party

I very rarely get time away from the children, to be an adult.  But last night I got that opportunity, joining the masses  at a Christmas Party.  I  realized how much I forgot what it is like to go out with out four little ones behind or beside me making my way through public places. I tell you when you converse with other adults you only need to say something one time, Who knew?  Also you get to eat your whole meal without being disturbed, and can go to the bathroom by yourself.  Best of all I got to dress up, no mommy attire, nor the running clothes.
I tell you I felt good, but I did miss counting my little ones, and missed the time we were apart.
One of  my friends told me this awhile back, she said her Priest understands a mothers job is big enough, but a homeschooling mother has taken on a big challenge.  Because she (the mother) Has placed her child's life, education, morals,values, and their dreams ahead of her own wants and desires, dreams.   I think I sometimes need a push or bump to remind me of the blessings I  have,  the four wonderful children that I know and hold their education in my hands,and their religious beliefs , I actually can make them better everyday, and I can have them one day turn around and do the same thing for their families.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Every year I tell myself that I am going to shop Early, for Christmas,
and just like clockwork, I fail again.  I am left once again shopping a month before, weeks before, and my utter favorite days before.
I hope that one year I succeed in this goal. I actually am sure most people do all their shopping all year, or early.  But for us procrastinators, one day,one year we will do something on time..
Okay, in my defense this is one of the few, very few things I wait, and wait to do.
I also have become very fond of the online shopping, when you have four children of different ages, and a Guy who is always gone, this is what you do. Plus the packages already come prepared for wrapping.  But this year my shopping is kept to a minimal for we have a big move coming .  Whenever I move I tend to find things, and throw things away,give things away,but I don't think I ever accumulate more.  So I am thankful to say I will  surely be done with shopping in a week, hoping and praying everything gets to me before the day.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

last trip

Happy last month of 2008.

To our Family this means we have (cross your fingers,toes) Only 17 days until Our  Guy is home and can start to drive us crazy. Which we all look forward too.  
I want to be bothered, share the joys and sorrows of the day  with someone.
I want to have an adult conversation with someone older than 12, in my home. (not on the phone)
I want to fight over the last cup of coffee, then lose, and have to make more.
I want to share the the remote, yes the remote( realizing , that football trumps basketball)Who knew?
I want to find out I have no more bread,cheese,meat to make a sandwich, because My Guy is here.
I want to know I have a partner in crime who will say"because I said so, that's why!"
I want to know I serve dinner for 6 instead of 5 , I need an extra dish to wash.
I want to have someone to say"this is how we do it," and then have a little, tiny,itsy,bitsy, fight.
Yes I want to argue, and then make up!!
I want to say " You can  ask My guy?"
I just want to have him home,safe,sound,in our home, we all count the days.
We pray and hope that this is the last trip, crossing our fingers.

Original work of VC

Thursday, November 27, 2008


About nine (9) years ago or so, the day before turkey day was something I would have taken back.
You see my brothers were in a very horrible car accident, which put both of them in grave danger.
One was air-lifted to a different hospital than the elder.
My parents were left not to know what was going to happen to the brother who was flown away.
The other took hours to be cleared and still need to be checked out further, but  considering the circumstances they allowed them to leave and drive the two hours to get to the other hospital that the other son (brother) was at, not knowing the outcome.
Might I mention , that I was a 1,000 miles or so away, and not sure if I could see or ever hear their voices and smiles again( for real).  I truly love them and thank God for everyday they are on this Earth with me. At that time I had no idea that my life would be what  it is now.  I guess I can honestly say that things work out in the end or for the better.  Don't get me wrong , I would have liked it not to happened.  But my family is where we are today, because of the events of that one horrible night.  So to you I say I am thankful for the mistakes, falls,trips,wrong turns,the right turns, and bumps in the road which lead to your greatest accomplishments.
Happy Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

One more day

One more day I tell myself, to be closer to having him here.
One day closer to knowing he is ours.
One day closer to being able to know him again.
One day marked off our calender,until he is safe.
One day for our house to have  two adults in it.
One day to have a set time for dinner.
One day to have someone again call me .
One day for my life to have him here, to make decisions with.
One day closer to having someone to ask questions.
One day closer to wrapping my arms around him.
To One day  being whole again.
I know this life is good, I again Thank all the many other military families 
whom have loved ones far away.
My prayers are with you always.

original work of VC

Saturday, November 22, 2008

special day

Well  for many years I have been waiting for the day, time,place to be right for us as a family to baptize our littlest one , who is three years old. 
Everything is meant to happen for a reason, I can say I am feeling better and better about this day finally arriving.  So are the  two oldest, they have forever and a day been saying things such as the following," oh, if you want to be sad about something, it should be because little one is not baptized," among other little hints and  gestures.  So we are excited and thrilled, just seems that it all fell into place.
My Great Grandma (Ama) used to say "that they had a little devils tail, if they had not been baptize."  Well I will let you know if she changes in any way.  But I believe she is great , yet I am biased about the blessings I have.  
Afterwards: As we started the baptism, she seemed shy and unsure.  I had butterflies in my stomach, full of excitement.  Finally, after all this she had been baptized , as it happened I looked at my other children  and one had the biggest smile I have ever seen.  My oldest was up with us being a proxy and she enjoyed that. The five year old was trying to sit still , she did her best. To sum it up I felt tears of joy as I knew now she had been baptized . 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random thought

My days are filled with taking care of little ones, that are becoming big ones right in front of my eyes.  My thought is for My Guy, you see he has missed a tremendous amount of our time here, because of the deployments.  I feel that he feels strange being around  us for a long period of time. When he is not here we seem to stay pretty busy,school,parks,friends over and much more.  I guess our days just rush by and before we know it he has returned.  This is how we deal with this life we live right now. My thought is I think all military families go through this at one time or another. I am interested in how we as spouses of these men and women who go and do their job away from their families.  How we do it and How they get through it?I know I am stronger in my faith and love for him.
Every night I can tuck my kids in, but not My Guy.
Everyday I can hug them as our day starts, but not My Guy.
I can sit around the table and talk to them about our day, but not My Guy.
I can watch them play with friends and see the pure joy in their faces, but not My Guy.
I get these memories Forever etched in my mind, forever. Not My Guy.
I get Forever, Always, I feel sad when I think of my memories not matching My Guy's.
But one day Forever will be his too, the memories of our kids, special days, special things, anything shared for even a moment. It will be Forever.

original work of VC

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Someone wrote the below, and as I was reading it I was brought to tears.
I thought I would share.

Senator Obama wins the presidential election, especially if liberal majority takes over in the Senate, we can expect the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child Treaty to be brought up for ratification as soon as proponents (like Senator Clinton) believe it has enough support to pass. Since Madeline Albright signed the treaty on President Clinton's behalf while he was still in office,ratification by the Senate is all it needs to become the "law of the land."From Parental Rights: If this treaty is made binding upon our country,the government would have the power to intervene in any child's life to advance its definition of "the best interests of the child." The scenarios that could occur-and are occurring-as a result of this dangerous notion are both manifold and frightening. Under the UNCRC,instead of following due process, government agencies would have the power to override your parental choices at their whim because they determine what is in "the best interest of the child." Expect independent homeschooling to be outlawed and replaced by government school-at-home programs, where Bible-based curriculum and teaching any subject from a biblical perspective will be banned. Expect private schools to become government-run with the same restrictions. Expect the government to use overseeing & directing your homeschooling as an avenue to accuse you of false non-homeschooling allegations like abuse, neglect, etc., thereby having your children removed from you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

not so sure

So in my family I have just had an interesting thing happen.
My brothers don't always see things the way I do.  Which I  welcome, but this
one day not so long ago I was having a conversation with a very good friend, who
shared something with me about the actor from the movie "Bella" and I was intrigued about it.
So I looked it up, and was moved to tears, so I decided to share it with others whom I felt believed the same things.  Well mistakenly I must have sent it to one of my Brothers( although some would say it happened by pure will) meant to be.   To say the least he was very upset, and made sure I understood. The you tube video was about abortion, and I was surprised to realize that in his mind this was compared to tattoos even divorce.  You see I am catholic and proud of it, I support the fact that abortion should be made something that is not thought of as lightly. 
Several of my friends actually Did the whole 40 days for life campaign and they shared such touching stories with me.  One in particular was about a couple whom seemed to be fighting, as they pulled into the parking lot of these interesting clinics, and they decide against doing it because of the families all protesting against it within their sight. The woman even waved, which makes my heart all warm. Glad they are my friends, and in my life.  Another story which is on the sad side, as they were there one day a woman opened her window and said "I have had 5 and so what?"  enough said. My friend said she just wanted to pray for that woman more. Because one day she will see. 

Wednesday, October 08, 2008


I am back , this past weekend I got to run a 5k with my oldest daughter . I can not express to you in words how great it felt to be next to her running.
She does not run as much as I, but she kept up and she kicked it at the end, made me work.  We crossed the finish line at the same time.  
First I learned that I am way faster than I thought, (yes- who though it)my husband. He is right!!
Second my daughter is a phenomenal  runner and I am so excited that she likes it.
Third our lives are about helping and getting better and creating memories for people we love, too remember us.  Only millions more of memories to give them to hold on too.
Sometimes when I run I think about the little and big memories my kids give me, it consumes me and I can hardly understand how I keep every one in its own place.  I yearn for more, and thrive when they come so fast I feel it is only right to give each one of them the time and memories they give me each day.  Each one is different , I want them to know me and cherish all this time we get, for you never know what the next day brings.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

get free time

Okay so -
We have started our religious education classes on Sunday, But get this all four of them get to go.
Yes, once again I have an hour or so too myself. What to do??? Run..Run.. 
Well this past Sunday I went to pick up some things at the store, wow I was in and out of the store in under 15 mins.  I know you think that is normal, not for me.  No, matter what we need to get it will take us at-least  30 /45 mins.  I say it was interesting to again realize my babies are growing up so fast.
Well I just finished an amazing book called "The Last Lecture" by  Randy Pausch .  There is so much to say about this book, but to sum it up this man captured everything he wanted to in his life, and well he has inspired me to be so much more and realize that everyday you have with the people who you love in this world, see them, love them, help them,encourage them,be there for them.  I hope if you have not read this book please take time out to pick it up and breathe in deeply when you start, because it is overwhelming and heartfelt and just everything you want to be and have in your life.  I keep The Pausch Family and Friends in my prayers, I am truly blessed and touched to have read this book.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day in America

There are some days in your history you will never forget what you were doing.

Seven years ago  after the horrifying September 11.  Where I still think about the moment it happened I was walking my then little girl to school just a few blocks from our house.  When my husband called and said go back home and take our daughter with you. He said that he was on his way home.  I was very concerned and turned on the television to see it on every channel.  No words can tell you how I felt,  just seeing that brought me to tears.
I was fully aware what this would do to my world, life, my story this would mean things as I knew would change.
You see I am an Army Brat and was now a Military Wife and felt my heart fall down to my toes for all the people who this had touched.  I was angry and sad so many emotions flowing but one that was very strong was to pray.   Yes- pray for all those who had come in harms way and for all the ones who would suffer because of this, and one more for the ones who had caused this.  I know how hard this is to write but everyone needs someone to pray for them, even if they don't know it.   

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Movie Night

Well we are having fun this summer, last night we decided to have movie night.  For us this is always something we gather together and do as a family.  Two things were missing on this night my Husband, and the oldest of our kiddos.   But I tell you I still hope that my family will always come together when we say movie night, I know one day my kiddos will all be on their own and I will have my sexy ,wonderful,heartfelt,loving soul-mate to keep me company.
I guess I can tell you we sometimes have a tendency to watch the same movies over and over again. I am sure none of you do that, but if you do I have to mention a few of our favorites.
 whole family: in random order
1.  Cheaper by the dozen 1 and 2
2.  Ratatouille 
3.  The Wild/Happy Feet
4.  Open Season
5.  Harry Potter all
6.  Alvin  and the Chipmunks 
 For the  adults: Godfather Trilogy, Gone in 60 seconds, Italian Job,okay and just for us gals ( fried green tomatoes ) Love that one.

Just so you all know my list could be so much longer: but I would not want to bore you.
I think movie nights are great.  I hardly get to go to the theater  but I think the only thing I really like at the movies is the popcorn. I know a bit disgusting.LOL
I think watching the movies in the comfort of your own home, in your pajamas and you can stop it and forward it.. Much better , but that is just where our family stands on this.
Enjoy your time and throw a movie in your weekend with someone you care about.
Have a great day.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Sometimes I feel like I would love to run each and every minute of my day.  I guess I could describe it as a non stop feeling of being free and overcoming every  big obstacle.  I guess this is all coming from the week I have had.  My kiddos all (four) were in Vacation Bible School from 8:30 am -12:00 pm, ( Monday-Friday).  If you are anything like I am few things revolve around you, but all around your family,kiddos, ect.  So this week finding out how to do things for myself, by myself was a interesting thing.  I have never had that, I know kinda sad, I can say that is was an awakening.  My friends and mom always said this would happen.  Never believed them, here and now saying they were right,Yep.  The funny thing is though I missed the kiddos while they were having so much fun,  and me trying to find things to do(run,coffee,shopping.) I can tell you all that by the end of the week I knew exactly what to do.  Hey It took me five whole days to be find myself.
But I truly without a doubt love being a MoM  of four wonderful kiddos.  

Monday, May 19, 2008

I did it.

You see for some time now I have been training for a half marathon(yes) 13.1 miles. I did meet my goal and finish with a better time than I thought . I guess I should also tell you I did about 90 percent of my training on a treadmill, while doing all the Mommy duties with our loving father, husband deploying often enough to make us feel so joyous when he is home for just the weekend/ or dinner. I guess I really did not think I could accomplish it.
But I can say with 100 percent of my being I am Hooked on running and training and just meeting your goal. All the things I learned on my 13.1 mile run, is that my body and mind can endure so much, also that this was one of the best runs of my life I want more/ and can only dream of the moment that I am able to run with a partner
( husband, kids,friends,family) I hope that you all understand that the way I feel about running is "That it is all mine and don't have to share/but I want to share." I am comforted in knowing that I was able to achieve this goal and I only hope I will have many more hurdles,hills,mountains that I can say this about. I mention this to my children and family members all the time" Almost is not the finish line." When I crossed the finish line, I found my husband and children and felt such joy that they saw me do what I had said many months ago I would do. I saw a look of beauty in my two oldest childrens faces, that let me know they knew no matter what They could do anything they set in front of them, Because I had done the same . I just wanted to let you all know how much this one experience has changed me , and my family. Thanks for reading my babbling on about this All American wife, In love with a Navy man, mother of four, and now a runner. YES!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

facing the giants

Hey everyone,

I have not posted in awhile. But back to let you know I just saw a great movie, "Facing the Giants" yes it has a bit of football/I mean a bunch. But I was so moved about the movies message that I hope you might take the time to watch it with your loved ones. I plan on watching it with my family this weekend. In case you did not guess our family likes movie
night, so perfect opportunity to open our hearts and feel the love. I just can not stop saying enough about this movie. I tell you with our busy days passing by, before I know it I have a 12 year old, 9 year old, 4 year old, 3 year old and married for 13 years. My life can only get better by making sure We remember why we are here and with the ones we love. Because "With God all things are possible." I can say that when I say or write, type this I get chills knowing that this is true. In my life I have experienced heartache,pain,feelings of uncertain times- But through all of this God was there and here now. I know some might say okay what is your point/ I think to always remember God is here and you only need ask him for guidance or help, he will show you these in due time. Everyday I pray for my loved ones, friends,strangers,myself that they all get through whatever hill or ladder they are climbing and that they realize God is there for them.
I think best to remember that when you pray for something, god may not give you exactly what you want , but he gives you the opportunity to overcome,accomplish it, or any other prayer needing help.

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks