Tuesday, September 16, 2008

get free time

Okay so -
We have started our religious education classes on Sunday, But get this all four of them get to go.
Yes, once again I have an hour or so too myself. What to do??? Run..Run.. 
Well this past Sunday I went to pick up some things at the store, wow I was in and out of the store in under 15 mins.  I know you think that is normal, not for me.  No, matter what we need to get it will take us at-least  30 /45 mins.  I say it was interesting to again realize my babies are growing up so fast.
Well I just finished an amazing book called "The Last Lecture" by  Randy Pausch .  There is so much to say about this book, but to sum it up this man captured everything he wanted to in his life, and well he has inspired me to be so much more and realize that everyday you have with the people who you love in this world, see them, love them, help them,encourage them,be there for them.  I hope if you have not read this book please take time out to pick it up and breathe in deeply when you start, because it is overwhelming and heartfelt and just everything you want to be and have in your life.  I keep The Pausch Family and Friends in my prayers, I am truly blessed and touched to have read this book.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day in America

There are some days in your history you will never forget what you were doing.

Seven years ago  after the horrifying September 11.  Where I still think about the moment it happened I was walking my then little girl to school just a few blocks from our house.  When my husband called and said go back home and take our daughter with you. He said that he was on his way home.  I was very concerned and turned on the television to see it on every channel.  No words can tell you how I felt,  just seeing that brought me to tears.
I was fully aware what this would do to my world, life, my story this would mean things as I knew would change.
You see I am an Army Brat and was now a Military Wife and felt my heart fall down to my toes for all the people who this had touched.  I was angry and sad so many emotions flowing but one that was very strong was to pray.   Yes- pray for all those who had come in harms way and for all the ones who would suffer because of this, and one more for the ones who had caused this.  I know how hard this is to write but everyone needs someone to pray for them, even if they don't know it.   

The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?

Xerox - Let's Say Thanks