I have faith in him, he has let me experience so much, I want more of this life. I want to share all I learn about him with my family.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
My faith.
Personal post.
A few days ago my Father found himself in the hospital.
I live over 1,000 miles away, and was given the news that he was okay, but
was being admitted, he ended up staying in the hospital for more than 48 hours.
I was relying on my Mother , and Brothers to give me updates.
He was just being monitored and tested to make sure that what lead him there did
not show something much worse. But being that I was so far away, and it is My Daddy, it was
extremely difficult to not actually see him. I did speak to him several times, and he seemed somewhat like himself.
The reality is that we all will have things happen in our lives that will lead us:
1. to find our faith
2. to depend on faith
3. to live your life with no regret
4. to tell those you love, them everyday more than once
5. to be thankful for the life God has given you
6. to take a deep breath and look around
7. to realize that your life means more and is more
8. to wake up and Thank God for your day that has barely started.
9. to take a moment to realize life is moving faster than you
10. To Be Loved and Cared and thought of in this life.
I could go on, but I think you all get the point.
I have always gone to church and always believed in God.
But now my faith is stronger, to know when you put things in his hands, it will work out.
Although, sometimes" God does not promise that bad things will not happen, but he promises to be there by your side To help."
I am so grateful that God is in my and my families life.
My Dad did get released from the hospital yesterday afternoon and resting at home watching the NCAA March Madness..
God Bless you All.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
History was made?
Here is the way some of our elected officials voted, the ones that work for the American People. (Right) That whole healthcare bill issue, that they thought was what the American people wanted,when we were mostly opposed to it, they passed IT ANYWAY. If you want to see the full list here it is:
Democrats _ Bright, N; Davis, N.
Republicans _ Aderholt, N; Bachus, N; Bonner, N; Griffith, N; Rogers, N.
Republicans _ Young, N.
Democrats _ Giffords, Y; Grijalva, Y; Kirkpatrick, Y; Mitchell, Y; Pastor, Y.
Republicans _ Flake, N; Franks, N; Shadegg, N.
Democrats _ Berry, N; Ross, N; Snyder, Y.
Republicans _ Boozman, N.
Democrats _ Baca, Y; Becerra, Y; Berman, Y; Capps, Y; Cardoza, Y; Chu, Y; Costa, Y; Davis, Y; Eshoo, Y; Farr, Y; Filner, Y; Garamendi, Y; Harman, Y; Honda, Y; Lee, Y; Lofgren, Zoe, Y; Matsui, Y; McNerney, Y; Miller, George, Y; Napolitano, Y; Pelosi, Y; Richardson, Y; Roybal-Allard, Y; Sanchez, Linda T., Y; Sanchez, Loretta, Y; Schiff, Y; Sherman, Y; Speier, Y; Stark, Y; Thompson, Y; Waters, Y; Watson, Y; Waxman, Y; Woolsey, Y.
Republicans _ Bilbray, N; Bono Mack, N; Calvert, N; Campbell, N; Dreier, N; Gallegly, N; Herger, N; Hunter, N; Issa, N; Lewis, N; Lungren, Daniel E., N; McCarthy, N; McClintock, N; McKeon, N; Miller, Gary, N; Nunes, N; Radanovich, N; Rohrabacher, N; Royce, N.
Democrats _ DeGette, Y; Markey, Y; Perlmutter, Y; Polis, Y; Salazar, Y.
Republicans _ Coffman, N; Lamborn, N.
Democrats _ Courtney, Y; DeLauro, Y; Himes, Y; Larson, Y; Murphy, Y.
Republicans _ Castle, N.
Democrats _ Boyd, Y; Brown, Corrine, Y; Castor, Y; Grayson, Y; Hastings, Y; Klein, Y; Kosmas, Y; Meek, Y; Wasserman Schultz, Y.
Republicans _ Bilirakis, N; Brown-Waite, Ginny, N; Buchanan, N; Crenshaw, N; Diaz-Balart, L., N; Diaz-Balart, M., N; Mack, N; Mica, N; Miller, N; Posey, N; Putnam, N; Rooney, N; Ros-Lehtinen, N; Stearns, N; Young, N.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
St. Patrick's day
Saint Patrick
Main article: Saint Patrick
Little is known of Patrick's early life, though it is known that he was born in Roman Britain in the fifth century, into a wealthy Romano-British family. His father and grandfather were deacons in the Church. At the age of sixteen, he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken captive to Ireland as a slave.[1] It is believed he was held somewhere on the west coast of Ireland, possibly Mayo, but the exact location is unknown. According to his Confession, he was told by God in a dream to flee from captivity to the coast, where he would board a ship and return to Britain. Upon returning, he quickly joined the Church in Auxerre in Gaul and studied to be a priest.
In 432, he again says that he was called back to Ireland, though as a bishop, to save the Irish, and indeed he was successful at this, focusing on converting royalty and aristocracy as well as the poor. Irish folklore tells that one of his teaching methods included using the shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) to the Irish people. After nearly thirty years of teaching and spreading God's Word he died on 17 March, 461 AD, and was buried at Downpatrick, so tradition says. Although there were other more successful missions to Ireland from Rome, Patrick endured as the principal champion of Irish Christianity and is held in esteem in the Irish Church.
Wearing of green
According to legend, Saint Patrick used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish people.
Originally the colour associated with Saint Patrick was blue. However, over the years the colour green and its association with Saint Patrick's day grew.[2] Green ribbons and shamrocks were worn in celebration of St Patrick's Day as early as the 17th century.[3] He is said to have used the shamrock, a three-leaved plant, to explain the Holy Trinity to the pre-Christian Irish, and the wearing and display of shamrocks and shamrock-inspired designs have become a ubiquitous feature of the day.[4][5] Then in the 1798 rebellion in hopes of making a political statement Irish soldiers wore full green uniforms on 17 March in hopes of catching attention with their unusual fashion gimmick.[2] The phrase "the wearing of the green", meaning to wear a shamrock on one's clothing, derives from the song of the same name.
Views and words.
Some people say they like the topics of this blog.
Some people say they think this blog is to political.
Some people say this blog is to radical.
These things had been bothering me until a week ago, when I realized this:
If you don't like it, don't read it.
If you like it, come back and read more.
If I am too political or radical again don't come back and don't watch the news.
But this is how I can let my voice out. I can not just call up Mr. Obama
every time I disapprove of the things he does. Although, if I could speak to him,
I doubt he would take my words or feelings into account.
Remember the monkeys:
Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil.
Friday, March 05, 2010
decorating cookies
Word to the wise when decorating cookies, you should make sure you don't have:
1. Two hungry little girls
2. colored sugar( pink, purple)
3. White icing
4. a small dog who happens to be black
5. Never do this after breakfast..
But all in all it was good fun.
Sadly we will be buying cookies today, instead of bringing the ones that did make the
decorator makers safely through.
No one or animal was hurt in today's cookie decorating, Will post picture later..
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Exchange your Bible In? WHAT??
College students urged: Trade Bible for Playboy
In the lobby of the University of Texas at San Antonio’s humanities building, a hand-drawn poster announces, “Free porn: Just trade in your holy books (Bible, Koran, Vedas) for porn.”
A student group at the university called The Atheist Agenda is reviving its Bibles-for-porn program, called “Smut for Smut,” for three days beginning March 1, according to a report from San Antonio’s KENS-TV.
“The idea is that religious texts are so appalling,” said Atheist Agenda group member Brian Talker in a 2006 interview with UTSA student publication The Independent. “They are so full of genocide, misogyny and ludicrous ideas that far overshadow any banal common-sense platitudes like loving thy neighbor, that you are better off having porn, which isn’t nearly as smutty.”
A current member of the group told KENS the program is also meant as a slap against religious leaders and the “hypocrisy” of their condemnations of pornography.
“They’ve been going and rallying against pornography for the longest time,” the unidentified student said, “and the disgusting, depraved acts that are within the Bible, Koran and Vedas completely outnumber any [faults] of any pornographic image.”
Other students, however, have expressed outrage.
“As a Christian myself, I just take offense to it,” one student told the TV station.
“Did they really do that?” asked another. “It kinda made me want to cry, it really did.”
University officials have stated that the controversy over the poster and program boils down to protected freedom of speech.
UTSA spokesman David Gabler told KENS, “We are a marketplace of free ideas here at UTSA, and our students have all [the] constitutional rights afforded to all individuals in the United States.”
The Atheist Agenda, founded by students in 2005, launched its first Smut for Smut program in December of that year.
The then-president of The Atheist Agenda, Thomas Jackson, told MSNBC he thought the swap program presented a fair trade:
“Well, first of all, you know, pornography gets a lot of negative press, and it’s smut. A lot of it really is,” Jackson said. “And we wanted to make the comparison between that and the smut that is religious scripture, or a lot of it, you know. The stuff that says a woman is worth half a man, the things that say, you know, you should beat children.
“These things aren’t acceptable in our society,” he continued, “and if pornography is not acceptable, then these things surely aren’t. At the very least, what we’re doing is trading something that’s very, very bad for something that’s only moderately bad.”
In its first Smut for Smut campaign, the San Antonio Express News reports, the atheist group avoided legal problems by placing the explicit magazines in envelopes and storing them in a box under a table. Students also checked IDs to ensure recipients were 18 or older and gave instructions not to view the material in the commons area.
Also in 2005, a rival Christian group established their own booth across the plaza from The Atheist Agenda and offered materials denouncing negative effects of pornography use.
This year, opposing signs have been posted in the same campus lobby, immediately next to the “free porn” poster, and KESN reports websites rallying against the program have already drawn thousands of members.
If you want more of this ridiculousness...
Monday, March 01, 2010
God is Like....
Kids can show you things you never would have thought of as an adult.
Fifth Grade Assignment
Wouldn't this be great if it was taught in every school.
A fifth grade teacher in aChristian school asked her class to look
at TV commercials and see if they could use them in 20 ways
to communicate ideas about God.
Here are some of the results: scroll down.
God is like.
He works miracles.
God is like.
He's got a better idea..
God is like.
He's the real thing.
(This is great)
God is like.
He cares enough to send His very best.
God is like.
He gets the stains out others leave behind. ..
God is like.
He brings good things to life..
God is like.
He has everything.
God is like.
Try Him, you'll like Him
God is like.
You can't see Him, but you know He's there.
God is like..
He's ready when you are..
God is like.
You're in good hands with Him.
God is like.
VO-5 Hair Spray ;
He holds through all kinds of weather
God is like.
Aren't you glad you have Him? Don't you wish everybody did?
(that one is my favorite)
God is like .
Neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet nor ice will keep Him from
His appointed destination.
God is like..
Chevrolet. . . .the heart beat of America
God is like
Maxwell House. .... .
Good to the very last drop
God is like.
B o u n t y . . . .
He is the quicker picker upper. . Can handle the tough jobs. ..
And He won't fall apart on you
Thank you Mom for this one..
Another believe it or not!
TOKYO - For Japan's Mai Sato, watching all those gold medals being handed out in Vancouver is a bittersweet experience.
Sato knows the demands of being the best. In her world, blisters are the rule, bruises a way of life. And the training — five hours a day, five days a week.
The world champion in her sport, Sato is as athletic, dedicated and competitive as the Olympians representing their nations. And she thinks it's high time her discipline, too, got some real recognition.
Still, pole dancing? In the Olympics?
Absolutely, say thousands of pole dancers and the rapidly growing number of international and national federations transforming what was once the exclusive property of strip clubs and cheap bars into a respectable — and highly athletic — event.
"I could definitely see pole dancing in the Olympics," said Sato, who, a dancer since the age of three, out-twirled a bevy of athletes from 11 countries at the second International Pole Dancing Fitness Championships in Tokyo two months ago. "I would love to win a gold medal."
If cricket can't make it ...
It's admittedly a high bar.
Established sports such as squash and cricket have failed to make the Olympic cut, baseball and softball were recently given the ax, and the International Olympic Committee's decision to end its support of nonofficial, demonstration sports after the Summer Games in 1992 has made gaining a foothold, the way judo and taekwondo did, all that much harder.
Plus, pole dancing needs to first gain IOC recognition as a sport — an uphill battle if ever there was one.
No matter, pole dance enthusiasts say.
Hong Kong-based Ania Przeplasko, the founder of the International Pole Dancing Fitness Association, the sport's fledgling supervisory body, believes Olympic recognition is only a matter of time and would be a victory for underappreciated sports worldwide.
"There will be a day when the Olympics see pole dancing as a sport," she said. "The Olympic community needs to acknowledge the number of people doing pole fitness now. We're shooting for 2012."
If you want to read more about this:
MY personal note: When I think about pole dancing, I think strip clubs or something of a adult nature. I know that
may be stereotypical but what can I say. This is how today society allows us to think. No matter how people try to rationalize this, the reality is that this type of exercise ( i guess that is what I can call it) is of a sexual nature. Which would mean if it became a part of the Olympics- I may have to now be concerned with the Olympics content of television broadcasting. But with that said What do You think?
God Bless you..
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