So we have been searching for a church that would meet all our families needs.
We had been trying several in the area, but have realized without a doubt after yesterdays
30 minute homily ( which I might add was well thought out.) The priest however is very consumed with the expenses of the church. This would be the third time my oldest and I have given this church a try. We both felt his homily on these three occasions have been overwhelmed with the financial aspects of the church.
Please don't get this post wrong, I value and understand that the church needs money, I fully support that fact.. I however believe that the homily and church service is for the word of God.
But maybe since I moved across the country, Things are different.
So My point to this post was that I realized the third time is not a charm.. No more chances..
We have firmly made our decision in what church, that we will be members of.
I know we had told some of our family members we had made a choice many weeks ago. But we were running late yesterday morning and found ourselves at this church.. No more chances.
We are Thankful that even though we were a bit discouraged after mass, we made our choice.
Thanks for letting me share. Happy Monday..
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