You see for some time now I have been training for a half marathon(yes) 13.1 miles. I did meet my goal and finish with a better time than I thought . I guess I should also tell you I did about 90 percent of my training on a treadmill, while doing all the Mommy duties with our loving father, husband deploying often enough to make us feel so joyous when he is home for just the weekend/ or dinner. I guess I really did not think I could accomplish it.
But I can say with 100 percent of my being I am Hooked on running and training and just meeting your goal. All the things I learned on my 13.1 mile run, is that my body and mind can endure so much, also that this was one of the best runs of my life I want more/ and can only dream of the moment that I am able to run with a partner
( husband, kids,friends,family) I hope that you all understand that the way I feel about running is "That it is all mine and don't have to share/but I want to share." I am comforted in knowing that I was able to achieve this goal and I only hope I will have many more hurdles,hills,mountains that I can say this about. I mention this to my children and family members all the time" Almost is not the finish line." When I crossed the finish line, I found my husband and children and felt such joy that they saw me do what I had said many months ago I would do. I saw a look of beauty in my two oldest childrens faces, that let me know they knew no matter what They could do anything they set in front of them, Because I had done the same . I just wanted to let you all know how much this one experience has changed me , and my family. Thanks for reading my babbling on about this All American wife, In love with a Navy man, mother of four, and now a runner. YES!!!!!!