Every once in a blue moon I post something that has nothing to do with politics, religion, family, etc.
You get the point, Today's point, post is about my love for Running..
Running is something that keeps me calm, relaxed, free.
Being a Mother of four this is something that can keep me sane.
Running gives me the pleasure of accomplishing something.
Running allows me to listen to my non-mommy music ( you know what I mean)
Running helps me stay healthy, stress-free.
I set goals with running that I keep unlike other goals in life, school, family.
Running holds me accountable for not visiting it daily.
I feel the pain, of going past my goals.
I strive to feel the runners high.
I feel guilty if i don't train daily.
I have run several 5k's with family members.
I have run 1 half marathon on my own, my trick was to dedicate every mile of the 12 to someone
past & living who impacts my life. The last mile was for ME!!!
I have always enjoyed running, when my brother ran cross country in H.S. I watched and cheered him on.
I then started running some 6 years ago or longer. I sometimes wish I would have found my passion for it in H.S.
Oh well.. The cause for this post is that I may have an injury that will keep me from giving running my all, and I am feeling wronged, I have taken time off and started from day one of training, but I pray that this will still be apart of my life.
God bless you, Have a good run in your Life!