I know some of you, are saying where did I go.. Well He got Home SAFE (((WHOO HOO))))) Been very busy, spending time with everyone, the turkey day, he went out of town again. But will be back in a short time and my heart can beat slower and I breathe deeper knowing that he is in the U.S.A. I must tell anyone who reads this- The other day I was talking to one of my family members and I found myself feeling so humble,grateful,blessed for all that my life has brought to me. I know some of you know exactly where I have been and where I plan to go. But for now I think of no greater Joy in life than Having my family. (A husband who defends freedom & is truly my Soul Mate, our oldest daughter who is full of encouraging words and love/and joy for life, a son who gives the best hugs just when you need them & is always trying to take care of me, and the dynamic duo M&A who keep me on the move and amaze me everyday.) For that I am SO BLESSED and I can't stress how proud I am of all the accomplishments made in my life.
So when you look at your life and think, what is it made up of? Look towards the people that have made you who you are and have helped give you a SHOVE or a great BIG TUG in the right direction. Your life is defined by the Places you have been, People you have met, Things you have done and will do. Everything about you is great-- you only need to take a moment and see it. In my life all these things make me want to do more, be more,see more.
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