I realize I have not posted in a week or so, But family visiting. I am back and wanted to share the conversation I had with some friends and relatives. Even after having been warned by family not to talk politics and religion, what else is there. Enjoy the light reading...
I am trying to realize our government has our best interest at heart, Right.. I will pray for us. (says person one)
In reference to what? (says person two)
cap and trade, buying votes for cap n trade (ohio) supporting tyrants and dictators, mandated healthcare, wall street buyouts, retroactive taxes, in bed with ACORN, redistribution of wealth, congress not reading the bills they are passing, congress hiring speed readers to read bills they are passing,stealin GM from the bond holders(bond holders put in 25B, gov't 15B, bondholders get 15% of company, govt gets 51%,
allow china to tap our oil reserves in the gulf by slant drilling(don't worry they will be careful not to damage our environment), Europe's Bank and Auto buyouts have failed so what do we do, that and then some, i have to stop this at some point, but in short they are nationalizing everything, trying to overload the system so that the people will demand a new one, Socialism. The only people who will benefit will be the ones who are in power now which is why they don't care about the destruction of America as we know it. America, Land of Opportunity, Not!!! Land of entitlement. ( SAYS PERSON ONE IN RESPONSE)
Give it time! It's not going to happen overnight. Bush did some job getting this country to where it is now, and now Obama is fixing it, but it's not going to happen overnight. Give it time. ;-) It's a Democratic Thing! (says person Three)
Bush made it bad, Obama like him or not is making it worse. It is no longer a democrat-republican thing, its an American thing. Every Obama supporter always brings it back to Bush. I agree with you, now what, when are you going to allow Obama's gov't to take some responsibility. Bush tried a stimulus package, didn't work so what do we do, pass a bigger one! By the way, where do you think the money comes from? The gov't does not create wealth, they confiscate it and it give it to others. Redistribution of wealth plain and simple. But what happens when there is no longer anyone left to take money from, then what? Helping your family, your neighbors, your friends is something that as Americans we should do. However, having the gov't bail out people who have been irresponsible is something else entirely. This is what we are doing, rewarding bad behavior and punishing those who play by the rules.
And remember, all the money in Washington does not belong to gov't as politicians(dems/repubs) would have you believe. It is our money, and they work for us!!! That is why I will be voting out all incumbents regardless of party affiliation, career politicians are a huge part of the problem that we are facing.
And dont forget, it wasn't just Bush, How about Chris Dodd and Barney Frank. They are so deep in the mortgage crisis that they can't get away from it and the housing crash is what started all of this. (SAYS PERSON ONE in response)
As far as Chris Dodd and Barney Frank are concerned, they too are somewhat to blame for the housing crisis but not no where near the Republicans paint them to be. You've got to remember, the folks who took out mortgages to achieve the american dream are losing their homes at alarming rates because they're losing their jobs and paying more for gas , college tuition, health insurance and so on and so on. All these things are occuring because of the economy that was handed down to us by the Republican controlled congress and El Presidente himself, George W. Bush. To say these people are losing their homes because they can't budget their finances is not only wrong but downright mean spirited and you honestly don't have any merit to say otherwise. You are not them and you or any republican for that matter haven't lived one day in their shoes.
And when it comes to Obama and the Saudis you really ought to do your homework on the romance that took place between the Bushes and the Royal Saudi family before you villianize Obama. You have to remember that the Bushes and the Royal Saudi Family are great friends and business partners. They have made a lot of money together. Why is it we didn't involve ourselves with Saudi Arabia when we found out the nationality of several of the 9/11 highjackers were Saudi? Why didn't we go in there ourselves to investigate these ties or to look for Osama Bin Laden( in case you forgot he was the apparent mastermind of the 9/11 attacks which the Bush administration made us forget we were after) ? Yes the Saudi's claimed he was kicked out of the country some time ago but the man still has deep family ties within Saudi Arabia. But we'll never know since the Bush regime refused to crack the whip on the Saudis like they did every other country in the middle east... (person Three response)
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