Eight days ago-My Grandmother passed away.
This is the only way I know to Cope with her passing.
I am going to tell you about Her.
I realize most people have a Grandmother, So when I say I will tell you about her, I can only
hope that it makes you think of yours.
She was a short woman, beautiful beyond in any description that would do her justice.
She nurtured 8 children and felt the loss of two, her heart was filled with love for all her grandchildren,
and great-grandchildren.
Since I am surrounded by the military life, She always came to visit my family wherever we were.
As, I moved from military child to military wife then I visited her, unfortunately not as much as I like too.
My memories of her, are that her food was so comforting and feeling ( which means GREAT).
I remember every time I saw her I would hug her and whisper in her ear, "I am so Hungry" but
since we had a language barrier I needed to learn I few key phrases in spanish.
I do now wish I would have learned it.
I had almost forgot that my grandparents were always a constant in my life. I came across pictures
at their house when I was very small, then as I grew up.
Sometimes, I remember seeing her sitting at her kitchen table reading her Bible, even the
newspaper. She had her chair that she always sat in, I miss her hugs,miss her kisses,
I miss everything about her. She is forever apart of ME.
First, promise learning spanish.
She gave me joy,she filled the room with laughter. I will truly miss her.
I don't mean to harp on this event in my life but I am her on this earth because she
met my grandfather and then choose to have my father.
Life is such a big thing, is makes things happen that you have no understanding, until one is left you wanting, or
missing, loving.
I believe her life was a celebration of good and bad, up and downs. But I celebrate her with love and memories, because
she gave me that and I think that is PRICELESS.
Thank you for reading my sad, but life filled post for today.
By the way I had to leave my babies and Guy behind and returning to them as I am typing this up. I have been away from them for Six days.
God Bless you.