June Evelyn Bronson Cleaver is a fictional character in the American television sitcom Leave It to Beaver. June and her husband, Ward, are often invoked as the archetypal suburban parents of the 1950s. The couple are the parents of two sons, Wally and "Beaver". Wally is twelve years old and in the eighth grade when the series opens; Beaver is seven years old ("almost eight") and in the second grade. Episodes followed the escapades of Wally and Beaver, and usually ended with the boys receiving both a moral lecture from their father regarding their misbehavior and a hot, nutritious dinner from their mother.
Here is the thing, Do you think June Cleaver should be our role model as the mother for all of us
mother's to strive to be. GIven the fact she is a fictional character and all. But hey I would be so lucky to be as calm and cool,
and just so gosh darn lovely as she was.
So in this fast paced world we live in, I think this is something that would be an idea that would draw families close.
You see now that I have no living Grandmother's, I did feel such pity for myself. But then My guy saw how I was feeling an he looked at me and said" at least your Grandmother got to meet our children and you grew up with her."
Puzzled and full of regret, he lost his Grandmother when he was in 7 th grade.
Talk about feeling even more crappy than before, now I felt sad for him. But then most of all Blessed..
Which brings me back to the June Cleaver idea, The mother is the gathering person, care giver, healer,organizer, she is the one who keeps the family together. Don't get me wrong the father is an important factor in the family. Without the father things would not be able to happen like the mothers happiness,love,children,and just peace of mind.
On that note I call this post Done.
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