Welfare Wheels
Published: Fri, 8 May 2009
Description: Massachusetts giving free cars to welfare recipients
Automatically Generated Transcript (may not be 100% accurate)
" Aren't all across the country out of Massachusetts. Free ride from the state lose your car. Lose your job ratherDavid Carr and get a welfare check without losing your car. It's happening. -- even paying for the insurance. Our next guest says this is simply mind boggling Brad Jones states house minority leader he's a Republican and he joins us now so. Let me get this straight your own welfare you get taxpayer money -- getting get a free car. Worst part and I understand you'll be able to go to work OK but if you go back go welfare you get to keep the car are you kidding. Unfortunately we're not kidding you do get to keep the tire under the -- in the way it's structured now and that's why says it's absolutely mind boggling. In this bad day and age in the fiscal freefall wearing as a nation but you as a Commonwealth of Massachusetts. -- have a program like this actually have some more money just shifted into. In the past couple months. Yeah well if you donated car and I did a couple of years ago that he's older Nissan -- good running condition muted by a little bit tuning up. Who pays for the tuning up who pays for reassurance I understand you guys also might be paying for triple eight. The taxpayer MI -- paying for the repairs the registration. The title. Triple -- in the insurance the all the whole lot whole ball lacks a few well. And again you know what we at a time when money was coming in over the -- we can't find this -- all of now we've cut -- you know the blind he touted the mentally ill. -- we kind of this program is still on existence and actually more money was just transferred into it. Because somebody thinks it's a good idea well less -- giving people the war has a good idea I mean you're a big if any proof that this is helping. Get people jobs that's the key. Well I think they know they found wanted to people said -- that this is worked out great but we've also found out that. There apparently no restraints on it when you get the -- he is not just to get to and from work but. Around the clock beyond that and as you touched on earlier the the administration said allow at least 20% of the people. And even it impacted by the per -- have come back on the welfare but got to keep the car. And it seems to me when we're running a three billion dollar deficit in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts this year alone. That this is something that should fall by the wayside for better times if at all -- Brad Jones state of Massachusetts -- thank you for joining us on your lol we appreciate -- All right what's --"
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