Your going to Call us out? (the American public) whom have tried many
times and still continue too show You .
You continue to Not listen.
I thought you would come to a middle ground with the American People, yet I was disappointed again.
I now see you have more too say this morning about this great health care plan.
I will repost later after hearing your words of wisdom .
Note that I realize that not all American people see this health care reform as a Bad thing.
I think maybe because they don't know all the facts, or maybe they do and Don't care.
"The president had a chance, tonight, to take the government-run health care off the table. Unfortunately, he didn't do it," Rep. Charles Boustany, R-La., said in the GOP response.
Boustany, a heart surgeon, said the public wanted Obama to tell Democratic leaders in Congress that, "it's time to start over on a common-sense, bipartisan plan focused on lowering the cost of health care while improving quality."
House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, R-Va., told FOX News that he found the speech "partisan" and full of "hyperbole."
But Obama's revised message may be aimed more at moderate Democrats who are posing hurdles to passage in both the House and Senate -- as well as a small handful of Republicans who could potentially be swayed to leap across the aisle without major concessions.
He said to Republicans, "My door is always open," but assailed the "bogus claims" he says his critics have pushed.
"But know this -- I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than to improve it. I won't stand by while the special interests use the same old tactics to keep things exactly the way they are," Obama said.
My source:http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2009/09/10/ready-deal-obama-signals-new-phase-health-care-debate/
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