Stumbling over words and admiration.
I think these words can be put in the same sentence at this point.
Because the leader of our Great Nation gets these things right some how.
He stumbles over his words or someone else's words. This morning he showed his notes cards, instead of solely relying on the TeleprompTers. He also received applause and a standing Ovation in A foreign land,France. Interesting enough what has he done
that gives him this privilege. Why is the media( reporters) clapping
for him when they are suppose to show unbiased reporting.
Oh, thats right they are mostly made up of Liberals.
Interesting enough I find all of this Funny and Sad, But I am sure we will all find faith a comfort in knowing " We all need to know what we
had by failing and falling, because we will welcome the next phase
of this great country."
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