Yesterday ,we got the little ones stitches removed ( ouch) . It was a daunting task I hope I don't have to do for long while. My guy and I had to hold her down, she was scared and did not want to hear anything. All done with that, now on to the spoiling of her. Letting her know she is braver than I could be. Kids have some real inner strength and ability to move past bad things. I want to be a kid sometimes. Just to be able to forget and move forward, or have no real worries, or just to play. Let the wind blow through my hair as I run, or play outside, not worrying about WHAT IF?? I am really glad that we are at a place where I can breathe for a bit, but I doubt everything that has happened in the past few months has fully hit me.
Here is food for thought:
I was looking around as I am typing this and notice something interesting.
The house I am in right now has a clock hanging in the kitchen on the wall that has the days of the week on it. Yes, No time.. Just days.. Right now the hand is pointing to Wednesday.
I can't wait until I can have one of those.. So I will not be concerned with the hours, minutes,seconds. You tell me what you think? Have a great Day...
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