“Thirty-five years after the Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade, it’s never been
more important to protect a woman’s right to choose....Throughout my career, I’ve
been a consistent and strong supporter of reproductive justice, and have
consistently had a 100% pro-choice rating with Planned Parenthood and NARAL
Pro-Choice America.” -Barack Obama
■On his second day in office, January 22, 2009, which
was the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme
Court ruling that legalized abortion on demand,
President Obama issued a statement reaffirming his
commitment to defend that ruling, which he said
protected “reproductive freedom.”
On his third day in office, President Obama nullified
the pro-life “Mexico City Policy.” By this action,
President Obama made organizations that perform
and promote abortion as a method of family
planning eligible for U.S. foreign aid funds.
In March 2009, the Obama Administration released
$50 million to the United Nations Population Fund
– an agency that had received no U.S. funds under
the Bush Administration because of its involvement
in China’s population-control program, which relies
heavily upon coerced abortions.
In March 2009, President Obama issued an executive
order that opened the door to federal funding of
research that requires the killing of human embryos,
reversing President Bush’s 2001 order that blocked
federal funding of embryo-killing research.
President Obama has named persons with extreme
pro-abortion records to senior positions on the
White House staff, including Chief of Staff Rahm
Emanuel, a former congressman with a 100% pro-
abortion record; Domestic Policy Adviser Melody
Barnes, previously a board member for the Planned
Parenthood Action Fund; and Communications
Director Ellen Moran, former executive director of
the pro-abortion group EMILY’s List.
President Obama has selected persons with extreme
pro-abortion records for the top offices overseeing
federal health programs, including Health and
Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius,
former governor of Kansas, and Food and Drug
Administration Commissioner Margaret Hamburg,
former New York City health commissioner.
President Obama has nominated persons with
extreme pro-abortion records to senior positions in
the U.S. Department of Justice, including Deputy
Attorney General David Ogden and Assistant
Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel
Dawn Johnsen, the former legal director of the
National Abortion Rights Action League.
President Obama has nominated persons with
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In March 2009, the Obama Administration
announced that it would rescind (cancel) a
conscience-protection regulation issued by the Bush
Administration, which prevents the penalization of
health-care providers who refuse to participate in
providing abortions.
President Obama has nominated persons with
extreme pro-abortion records to senior positions in
the U.S. Department of State, including Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton and Ambassador-at-Large for
Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer.
Please copy and distribute freely.
512 10th Street NW Washington, DC 20004
national RIGHT TO LIFE
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