It has been a busy beginning of the Month.
Birthday's galore, but now I am Back.. Ready to face the
Issues that are important to myself and should be for you all.
One day you became a part of me
You would grow and be safe until your arrival into the world
You kick me and gave me heartburn, but I could feel you growing
As we grow together, everyone prepares for your coming
I hear your heartbeat, and I see you on the screen.
I am speechless, knowing God has given us You.
We pack the bags, and get in the car knowing when we
return you will be here.
Our hearts are one, but soon we will be able to hug you and
kiss you.
I love you,from even before I knew you were Apart of Us.
My hope is that you will know how precious you are.
I am speechless and in Awe that God Blessed us with you.
I Love You and the Life God gives Us.
original work of VC
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