Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Self-Described "Abortion Addict" Tells All
Posted by: Jillian Bandes at 9:47 AM
Irene Vilar, series editor of the Americas at Texas Tech University Press, has 15 procedures in about as many years. She tells all in her new book, Impossible Motherhood.
My story is a perversion of both maternal desire and abortion, framed by a lawful procedure that I abused. My first pregnancy was a result of lying about birth control. He was inside of me when he asked: You are protecting yourself, aren't you? Later, I would take my pills and skip a day, a few, and often give up on the whole month, promising myself I would do better the next time. Not knowing how a pill or a handful of them would affect my fertility, my days took on a balancing act, and a high of sorts accompanied the days before my period was due.
Careful with that axe, Eugene writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 6:58 AM
This woman
sounds like she has a mental illness.
I knew a girl once who had mutliple abortions because she tried to force her boyfriend into marriage, and when it didn't work, that kid got sucked into a sink.
And the end of the day, though, the government shouldn't get involved. What always amazes me is that the very people who think that the government preventing businesses from pouring arsenic into the water supply and treating their employees fairly is an intrusion into "liberty", want the government in the office when a woman talks to her doctor about how to deal with an unwanted pregnancy or perhaps a wanted pregnancy that has gone horribly wrong.
Careful with that axe, Eugene writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 6:48 AM
"No God.
No problem with abortion."
Me- Well, there is no God. But I know a few atheists who are against abortion because they believe the fetus feels pain.
That said, however, I would ask all you right wingers, exactly WHERE in the bible God SPECIFICALLY says abortion is wrong?
As a matter of fact,
If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart from her, and yet no mischief follow: he shall be surely punished, according as the woman's husband will lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. And if any mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-23
Wow, so essentially, a man causing a miscariage- an abortion - really was not guilty of anything more than a property crime. Keep in mind, the Bible call for executing people for much lesser crimes, but causing an abortion is just paying a fine.
further, the bible didn't even consider INFANTS to be full fledged people.
Number the children of Levi after the house of their fathers, by their families: every male from a month old and upward shalt thou number them. And Moses numbered them according to the word of the LORD. -- Numbers 3:15-16
Understandable, the infant mortality rate in Bible times was something like 50%. No point getting worked up about them.
Qtaug writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 6:14 AM
It's her "right".....
to murder her unborn children, repeatedly! I wonder if she is opposed to the Death Penalty?
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scott writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 2:42 AM
/'m?r?l, 'm?r-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [mawr-uhl, mor-] Show IPA
Use moral in a Sentence
See web results for moral
See images of moral
1. of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical: moral attitudes.
2. expressing or conveying truths or counsel as to right conduct, as a speaker or a literary work; moralizing: a moral novel.
3. founded on the fundamental principles of right conduct rather than on legalities, enactment, or custom: moral obligations.
4. capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct: a moral being.
5. conforming to the rules of right conduct (opposed to immoral ): a moral man.
6. virtuous in sexual matters; chaste.
7. of, pertaining to, or acting on the mind, feelings, will, or character: moral support.
8. resting upon convincing grounds of probability; virtual: a moral certainty.
Funny thing, 8 definitions for Moral, yet in not one of them do I see the word Religion or Christian. And if I understand the way liberals thing, only religion has a moral center, yet I find that in not one of those definitions...
You liberals are insane, you glorify the killing of innocent babies, yet defend pedophiles and rapists. You shamelessly use government to steal from those who work for their money to give it to those who won't. As near as I can tell, all liberals are Misanthropes and Luddites, who would have us living in caves without so much as a freaking fire to keep us warm, because after all CO2, you know, the air that the GREEN things on Earth breath is a Pollutant. Can you spell INSANE.
scott writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 2:26 AMTruth
Irene Vilar=SERIAL KILLER. that is all she is. God has a special place in hell for that woman!
arch writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 1:39 AM
Vlad I am Around you know?
vladimir estragon writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 12:32 AM
"And I think I'm Vlad's favorite. Have you checked with him? I know he must miss me."
Why you little sissy! I'm used to Sky King Cowpoke and Arch being my little q u e e r stalkers, but I had no idea that YOU were one of them too. See you at the baths!
(Town Hall says "q u e e r" is 'unacceptable.' Isn't it great we have people to stand up for family values and decency?)
Arch says
I am 160 lbs. of pure sinew and muscle. I can still kill libs with my bare hands at age 52.
Vlad. You better beware of your keystrokes. I am all around you know!
arch writes: Thursday, October, 15, 2009 1:32 AM
Bears Repeating!! Excellent!!
MJ writes: Wednesday, October, 14, 2009 10:38 AM
This woman is more than an idiot. She must be mentally ill, or else one of the most irresponsible people on the planet - next to Whoopi Goldberg (self-confessed 6-time aborter.) I am so sick of hearing women who have had abortions claim they had NO IDEA that being careless with birth control could lead to pregnancy. And I would expect that after the first "surprise" pregnancy any sane woman would have figured out what was causing it.
Add to that this woman has 15 "Oops!" experiences, kills 15 babies, and then decides to write a BOOK about it, trying to excuse her behavior by calling it an "addiction?" I've got news for you, Irene. You can tell yourself any lies you want in this world, but you WILL answer for your behavior in the next.
My Thoughts:
I am glad we have our rights, one being freedom of speech/press. SO that this book could be written and I can be reminded
some people are just terrible. I am sure the above person is not bad , but I will certainly Keep her in my prayers that she may find God. I must say I could never actually read her book, but I had enough from the above readings. I applaud all the people who committed about her book.
My source: Townhall.com